Tuesday, June 19, 2001

When Magnus was in the US, he liked the taco bell commercials with the little dog. I think he'd like to Bud "whasssup" commercials. We can bring "whassssup" to Sweden as part of our trip to the Oringen!

Check out how to say whasssup in different languages. In Swedish it is "hur är läget." Keep in mind that you've got to open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out while you say it.
I had to rearrange all my travel plans when the chance to run the WOC came up. Here are the new travel details.

I arrive in Stockholm on July 11 at 8:35 in the morning.

I depart from Stockholm on August 8 at 10:55 in the morning.
The Finns enoy a huge - and in my opinion - richly deserved reputation for organizing incredibly well done O' events. No doubt the uni-sex showers were a part of clever planning and calculated thought. Just think of the marketing they can now do for future Jukola~^\ races!

Monday, June 18, 2001

Mook and Mikell are of course welcome to join the discussion... We'll send them an invitation. Other than that we just came back from a weekend in Finland...but it seems like Mook knows more about that competition than we do...
Magnus (alias Bobby Osterberg) ran the 3rd leg for Hedstrommen. Jukkola and Venela were really nice and the weather couldn't have been better (but the toilets could...). We guess that you would also appreciate the fact that there was no womans shower on the second day (Sunday). The showers then became so called unisex.

Both Mook and Mikell expressed a slight interest in attending, when I talked to them this weekend. Shall we invite them to join this discussion, and then put pressure on them to attend WWE?